ERP- Questions (This is a challenge for you)

If you were read my previous post about "ERP" you could answer these questions.
I challenge if you can answer for these questions. You can comment your answer with question number.
  1. Define is ERP?
  2. Define ERP systems?
  3. Briefly describe ERP concept
  4. What are ERP softwares?
  5. Who are the ERP users?
  6. What is the boundary of ERP ?
  7. Briefly describe ERP life cycle
  8. What are the ERP characteristics?
  9. What are the feature of ERP?
  10. Why companies undertake ERP ?
  11. Benefits of ERP?
  12. Define BPR
  13. List down objectives of BPR
  14. Give BPR overview
  15. Re-engineering guidance and relationship with mission,work process to IT
  16. List down stages of BPR cycle
  17. What is meant by TQM and CIP ?
  18. Distinguish between TQM vs BPR
  19. Point out important things when implementation of ERP
  20. What are the ERP implementation methodology?
  21. What are the implementation guidelines for ERP?
  22. Briefly describe about post implementation of ERP
  23. What is SAP ?
  24. Describe SAP architecture 
  25. What is CRM ?
  26. What are the CRM building blocks ?
  27. What are the benefits of CRM ?
  28. List down benefits for the company from CRM
  29. How can use CRM in business?
  30. Features and benefits of CRM 
  31. What are the CRM delivery model option? describe them.
  32. Define Knowledge Management(KM)
  33. Define Knowledge Management Systems(KMS)
  34. What are KM processes?
  35. What are KM mechanisms?
  36. Briefly describe about KM infrastructure
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