ERP Life Cycle in Brief

ERP Rollout

Start with Request of Proposal (ROP) and vendor selection.It is ending with go live of the ERP system.

   Important concerning :
     Degree of matching ERP product to business need.
     Commitment of the vendor for future development and their financial health.
     Support issues.


Due to lack of understanding,a lot of confusion will prevail among users.There may be some bugs in product (in ERP Software).Need to correct that errors or bugs.


Longest period of life cycle.
Organization start realizing value of their investment.
Users will get familiar and start owning the system.
Changes in this phase  - new reports,different workflows,some localization on taxes.
Maintenance will be covered by service level agreement,entailing payment of license fee to the vendor.

Extending Values

Overlap with the maintenance phase
There may be changes (minor or moderate) in the system.
Extensive changes under
 A new accounting system.
 A new regulatory requirement.
 Extending the system with add on products,such as CRM,Business Intelligence (BI)

Decaying Performance

For an enterprise,business need and technological requirement,continue to evolve.
Complexity and difficulty to modify and update the existing system
Fixing existing system is no more viable and provides diminishing return.
Make decision to reimplementation.


Similar to rollout phase
The organization is better organized now
Initial process will be carriedout more professionally
Next cycle gives a better Return on Investment (ROI).
Can develop better version with minimum need of customization.

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Unknown said...

Thanks for helping us with these maintenance guidelines.

Cloud Inventory Software

Net Explode said...


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