Enterprise Resource Planning Questions.

01. a. Define and explain the term Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP).

      b. i. What is the Difference between ERP and extended ERP?
          ii. Briefly describe the ERP system and its concept.

      c. Miracle Enterprises is a manufacturing company which wants to implement an ERP package.
          How will you evaluate the ERP package,if you are planing a role of leader in implement team?

     d. Briefly explain the benefits of having an ERP package.

02. a. Define and explain the ERP life cycle.

      b. What is Re-engineering?How is it important in ERP implementation process?

      c. "Total Quality Management(TQM) is an alternative to Business Process
         Re-enineering(BPR).But it would not be the same".Justify the statement

     d. Explain how does the ERP fit with the E-Commerce.

03. a. What is SAP software?

      b. ''SAP is using worldwide users across various industries".Explain this statement.

      c. Briefly explain the following terms
             i. EDI
             ii. Data warehousing

     d. Explain sales order process in sale module.

     e. What is business modeling?

04. a. What is Customer Relationship Management(CRM)? Why is it important to an organization?

      b. Briefly explain about the CRM Delivery options.

      c. Describe the major stages in production process.

     d. Explain about the product life cycle by giving suitable example.

05. a. Describe the knowledge management process.

      b. "ERP system can eliminate the jobs".How can we use the knowledge management system
         to overcome the lack of knowledge?

      c. Who is an end user of ERP and why they are so critical for success of project implementation?

     d. Describe the reasons of growth of the ERP Market.

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