List of Questions for Human Resource Management

Here I list down question list covering HRM .

  1. What is management?
  2. What are general objectives of organization?
  3. What is mean by strategy?
  4. Define Human Resource Management(HRM)?
  5. List down HRM goals ?
  6. Unique characteristics of HR ?
  7. Function of HR?
  8. Basic strategic planning model ? 
  9. What is mean by "Vision" in organization ?
  10. Characteristics of Vision?
  11. Five criteria for judging Vision ?
  12. What is mean by "Mission" in organization?
  13. Components to be included in a Mission ?
  14. Major benefits of Mission ?
  15. Criticisms of Mission statement?
  16. What is mean by "Goal" in organization ?
  17. Features for Goals to be effective ?
  18. Briefly describe external analysis?
  19. Briefly descibe internal analysis?
  20. SWOT and strategic choice.

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