The Fate of the Argentine Submarine

Eliana and the fate of the Argentine submarine resolved on the seabed with 44 others

Oxygen has ended ... a large explosion ..

Argentina's only submarine ..

The Argentine submarine has been found to be under 3000 feet in the ocean, according to a US high-tech aircraft.
The sailboat, which is known as the Sanjon, made 44 sailors and a female sailor.
Eliana Krvseyian is the only submarine officer in the navy in Argentina. It was reported that the oxygen airborne submarine was to end.
An American sail vessel that could fly to a depth of 600 meters to save the Argentine sinking crew can save 18 sailors at a time.

However, the Argentine Navy has announced that all sailors have already been killed.
An explosion has occurred in this assembly. Relatives of the sailors are now facing an accusation that the information on the explosion was being used by the Argentine Navy.
It is learned that after the final message from the Argentine submarine, all sailors were killed as a result of a serious explosion.

Relatives of sailors had reportedly reported that the Argentine government knew of the disappearance of the Argentine submarine missing on November 15.
Relatives say that the government blatantly blasted the blast and searched for the submarine for days. The relatives say that this is a hackney to the whole Navy.
The USA was also aware of the blast, but they did not reveal any details.

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Basic Techniques of Job Design

  • Specialization -limited no of duties for long time.
  • Job enlargement - increase no of duties.
  • Job enrichment - increasing authority for planning and controlling the job.
  • Job rotation
  • Professional technique
  • Ergonomics/biological approach

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Job Description Vs Job Specification in HRM

Job Description
It is come as a result from job analysis.These points are include in job description.
  • Job identification information
  • Job summary
  • Authority,duties and responsibilities
  • Resources,equipment and tools
  • Working conditions

Job Specification
It is also come as a result from job analysis.These points are include in job description.
  • Job identification information
  • Education level
  • Experiences
  • Competencies
  • Special qualities
  • Personality type

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