Do you love to learn JavaScript ?

Do you love to learn JavaScript ?

Hi,Welcome all !
In these days,I am trying to learn JavaScript.So I would like to post a series of JavaScript tutorials.As my experience there are two types of guys,Who are learning by reading and watching.This is for reading guys.Just follow up me.

Now a days JavaScript is the most popular programming language.According to Stackoverflow statistics it achieved a 62.5%

Most Popular Technologies -2017(Stack overflow)

So I think all developers must be learn some basics of JavaScript language. Jquery,Angular,React and Bootstrap are very poplar JavaScript based frameworks and libraries.

JavaScript was invented in 1995 by Brendan Eich.

Definition of JavaSCript

The most common use of JavaScript is to add client-side behavior to HTML pages, also known as Dynamic HTML (DHTML). Scripts are embedded in or included from HTML pages and interact with the Document Object Model (DOM) of the page.( JavaScript - Wikipedia )

This is the small example of JavaScript.
Just chekout - JSFiddle


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