Is There Any Special Place to ' script ' Tag

Is There Any Special Place to <script> Tag.

Need to put scripts inside <head> or <body> elements.It is possible to use both places at one time.
Also one or more scripts may be inside <head> and <body>.

This example contains a scripts inside <body> tag.
Just Checkout - JSFiddle

Lets see how to put scripts inside <head> 
You can follow this example it has a button when it click function is invoke.That function is inside <head> element.
Just Checkout - JSFiddle

The power of JavaScript

The power of JavaScript.

Change HTML content.

JavaScript can change HTML content.When calling getElementById() .
This example will tell you how to find element using it's id and change HTML content.
Just checkout - JSFiddle

Change HTML attribute.
JavaScript can change HTML attributes of an element .This example change the src(source) of <img> element.
Just checkout - JSFiddle

Change HTML styles (CSS).
Find a HTML element and change styles.
Just checkot - JSFiddle

Hide HTML elements.
It can hide HTML element using style.display  .
Just checkout - JSFiddle

Show HTML elements.
Hidden elements can be show using JavaScript.
Just checkout - JSFiddle

Do you love to learn JavaScript ?

Do you love to learn JavaScript ?

Hi,Welcome all !
In these days,I am trying to learn JavaScript.So I would like to post a series of JavaScript tutorials.As my experience there are two types of guys,Who are learning by reading and watching.This is for reading guys.Just follow up me.

Now a days JavaScript is the most popular programming language.According to Stackoverflow statistics it achieved a 62.5%

Most Popular Technologies -2017(Stack overflow)

So I think all developers must be learn some basics of JavaScript language. Jquery,Angular,React and Bootstrap are very poplar JavaScript based frameworks and libraries.

JavaScript was invented in 1995 by Brendan Eich.

Definition of JavaSCript

The most common use of JavaScript is to add client-side behavior to HTML pages, also known as Dynamic HTML (DHTML). Scripts are embedded in or included from HTML pages and interact with the Document Object Model (DOM) of the page.( JavaScript - Wikipedia )

This is the small example of JavaScript.
Just chekout - JSFiddle

"let" variable in JavaScript .

What are the "let" variables in JavaScript ?

These variables are limited to relevant scope.It means we can't use these variables outside of  scope. But var variables are global variables in java script.

ex :
            let status=5;

The status variable is valid only for scope of function.It can't be used in outside.

Different Between ReactJs and React Native.


It is a JavaScript library, supporting both front end web and being run on the server, for building user interfaces and web applications.

React Native

It is a mobile framework that compiles to native app components, allowing you to build native mobile applications (iOS, Android, and Windows) in JavaScript that allows you to use ReactJS to build your components, and implements ReactJS under the hood.

Definition of Distributed System

What is Distributed System ?

  • It is a network that consists of autonomous computers that are connected using a distribution middleware. They help in sharing resources and capabilities to provide users with a single and integrated coherent network.(ex: Gmail).
  • It raise the level of abstraction.
  • Hide many complexities and make it easier to build applications.

Important things as a programmer

This is my first post in my blog.As a programmer I would like to say some important things to developers.
  • Maintain a Stackowerflow account ( Stackowerflow)
  • Keep projects in GitHub (GitHub)
  • Connect with LinkedIn professionals(
  • Create a blog or website.
  • Follow the new technologies.
  • Put your own host CV in web.
  • Active in various forums.
  • Think out of the box.
You can follow these things as a developer.It is more valuable and important to your profession.

If you have any suggestions just comment below.